Managing Your Electric Bill

Some parts of our budget we can choose to do without, like new clothes, or eating out. Others, we have to pay but can’t change the amount, like rent or a car payment. But there is a third type of expense that we can get better control over to balance our budgets, our electric bill.

There are two factors that come into the price of your electric bill: 1) Your usage 2) The rate you pay per kilowatt. Some states regulate #2, so you have no choice in the matter, but many states these days have deregulated electricity, so you may want to shop around to ensure you are getting the best rate. (You can always find your rate per kilowatt on your last bill).

Beyond the rate you pay, the next thing you can control, which can dramatically effect what you are paying, is the usage of electricity. Your mom probably yelled at you at some point for leaving the lights on in a room where you are not using them, and it’s true, that is basically pennies going out the window. Turn off lights in any room where you do not need them currently. Get a timer for outdoor lights.

It’s hard to manually keep control over your usage though. Big savings can be achieved when you let computers do it for you. If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, GET ONE NOW! A programmable thermostat will automatically lower the temperature in the winter when you are at work or asleep, and raise it when you get home. Some electric companies even offer incentives for installing these devices.

When you replace lightbulbs, switch to more energy efficient CFL or LED style bulbs. Some of these are estimated to use 50-60% less power then traditional ones (and they last longer).

Finally, if you have electric heat (or Air Conditioning in the summer), see if you can push your comfort limits some. In the winter, a blanket and a hoodie often lets you keep the temperature 5 degrees cooler, and in the summer, opening up windows or installing ceiling fans will save you bundles as well.

Got any more electric savings tips? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter!