Prepping Your Budget for the Holidays

It’s finally starting to feel like fall! Now is the time of year that I start to think about all of the things the change of season brings. The holidays will come way faster than you think, and I both look forward to and dread them at the same time. I love heading indoors, staying warm, and spending time with family and friends. I’m not so crazy about some of the financial tolls winter brings with it (don’t even get me started on our gas bill…). While all of the seasons and holidays we celebrate are really about being thoughtful and enjoying the company of the ones we love, gifts and celebrations are sure to sneak their way in. If you start to prep your budget now, you’ll find yourself a lot less stressed once the holiday season officially begins.

Check out some of these things you can do in the coming months to get ready…

Start planning now. Will there be any parties or celebrations you’ll be attending? Will you be hosting any? Will you be giving any gifts? Will you be traveling? Thinking of these kinds of things now can help you plan your budget for the coming months and make adjustments as needed.

Set aside money a little at a time. It can be overwhelming to make so many purchases within such a short amount of time, and this can often lead to overspending. Think about how much you’d like to spend based on your anticipated need, and come up with a plan for saving up over the months leading up to December. Maybe you set aside a certain amount from each paycheck that will go strictly towards holiday-related purchases. There are still 13 weeks until Christmas. Setting aside just $20 per week will give you an extra $260 to use! It’s a great idea to stretch this plan out over the whole year, if you’re able to. You can save smaller amounts over time to reach your end goal, and you won’t notice it as much each month as opposed to saving larger chunks at the last minute.

Make early purchases. I was inspired by a co-worker to start my holiday shopping early. She spends September through November searching out deals on things she knows her loved ones want or need, and once December comes, she’s able to relax and enjoy the holiday season. This is a great idea, especially for things that pop up on sale periodically. You’ll have more time to find the lowest prices and save more than you would waiting for the holiday rush at the mall.

Get crafty! A great way to save money is to give homemade gifts, and these are often the most thoughtful and treasured. Instead of waiting until the winter months arrive, get your creative juices flowing now and work on projects in the coming weeks, doing just a little each day. You won’t have much to worry about by the time December rolls around. It’s also a great way to take up time on those chilly weekends indoors – you’ll save even more money by keeping yourself busy at home!

Get a head start on holiday baking. Lots of recipes for cookies and cakes can be pre-made and pre-baked to be frozen. Prepare these now, and then all you’ll have to do is pop them in the oven later when you need them. Save money by buying baking supplies in bulk and prepping multiple recipes at the same time.

Have you started thinking about the holidays yet? What will you do to get ready?