Skills For Saving

So many of us lead busy, bustling lives nowadays, and it’s hard to find enough time in the day to finish all that we need to. Sometimes this can lead to extra “convenience” spending in order to have someone else take care of things that we could probably do on our own. Consider making more of an effort to try your hand at do-it-yourself projects.

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Switch to Save – Doing Away With Disposables

We don’t think twice about throwing a number of different things out in the trash, but you would never throw away money, would you? While it might seem convenient to use disposables, you’re essentially doing just that when you toss them in the garbage. There are a ton of other reusable options that will not only save you money, but in most cases, they’re saving the environment, too!

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Summer Savings

Memorial Day weekend has always marked the start of summer for me. There are so many things to do and enjoy once the weather warms up outside! Sticking to your budget doesn’t mean you have to miss out. Here are some tips for saving this summer while still taking advantage of all it has to offer:

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Talking to Your Kids About Finances

We all know now that it’s important to budget your finances to plan for the future and manage expenses, but some of us don’t learn that lesson until later in life. We also all want the best for our children, so wouldn’t it be a great idea to teach them this while they’re young? Too many parents don’t discuss finances and how to handle money with their kids, and they send them off into the world unprepared and a bit naive when it comes to saving and managing their money. Start (and maintain) a conversation with your kids to help them understand how important it is to be money-savvy.

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Where Should I Put My Savings?

We stress over and over again how important it is to save money for a number of reasons, but where is the best place to stash your cash? There are different options to consider when saving money depending on what your goals are.

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Spending Less vs. Saving More

I decided to take a trip to our nearest factory outlet stores last weekend to pick up a few warmer weather items for my upcoming vacation (Goodbye, Pittsburgh. Hello, Los Angeles!). They’re typically known for having cheaper prices than you’d normally find in the stores at the mall, so this is usually the first place I think of going when my wardrobe needs a major overhaul every few years.

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Budgeting For The Both Of Us

Until I was in my early 20’s, the only person I really had to worry about taking care of was myself. Even growing up as a child, I never really had to share anything that belonged to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this to sound selfish, but when I moved in with my boyfriend husband, I had to learn to work as a team instead of a one-woman-wonder, which wasn’t really a bad thing.

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What Are You Saving For?

Budget and save, save and budget – two very common goals that come up frequently here. We talk about why it’s important and some ways to get there, but what are these things we’re actually saving for? Here’s a list of 5 common things that you should be thinking about setting aside some money for:

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Saving Money – How Much and Where to Start

Every budgeting website will tell you over and over again to save money for emergencies, and this post will be no different. Having a savings account is crucial for your future, to say the least. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I regret not learning to manage my money until I was in my 20s, and how I wish I would have put more effort into saving more of what I was making when I was in high school and college.

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