How I Use BudgetSimple

I created BudgetSimple around a budgeting philosophy my wife and I had used in Excel. Something I’ve realized over the years is that there is basically no one right way to budget, so some people come to BudgetSimple confused about how it works or why it doesn’t work a way they are used to. Hopefully walking through how I use it will help you figure it out for your finances!

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2018 Budget… Start Slow.

I read a comment from someone recently that they had calculated they’d spent $367 in 2017 just on buying soft drinks from their one company vending machine. It highlighted that a dollar or two a day really does add up over a year!

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Collecting – Not Great For Your Budget

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed, it’s that people love to collect things. Books, stamps, Precious Moments, you name it, someone is out there collecting it. I’m no different, I used to be quite proud of my DVD collection. But as I boxed it all up to sell to a local Buy/Sell/Trade store, I realized, there must be over $1,000 of money spent on these items that are now almost completely worthless (I got $10 for about 20 of the DVDs, and the rest they didn’t want at all).

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Beat the Heat to Save More Money

The first official day of summer has come and gone, and we’ve been having the weather to vouch for it! I’ve always preferred being hot to being cold, so I’ve never been one to complain, but having a little one at home who’s clearly uncomfortable has made us rethink our home cooling situation a bit.

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Avoiding Budget Busters

When I review my budget each month, I try to make up for any discrepancies that may have occurred in the month prior, and I make adjustments as needed. Sometimes, though, sneaky little things make their way in and create a small leak in my finances, which can become a bigger problem if they’re ignored.

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